Saturday 18 December 2010

Making OTL Jump!

Yoo Hoo!

Daisy & Holly here again.

In our never ending quest to confound Old Two Legs, Holly and I have come up with this wonderful wheeze.

For our birthday we were each given an identical toy. It was a small, soft rubber ball that looks like a 'Space Hopper' and every time you bite it, it squeaks.

OTL likes chasing us around with these and squeaking the Hopper, we in turn run away as though we are scared and don't like the noise..........Well, it keeps him amused!

Holly and I have come up with a new game.

Holly goes into the bedroom with one of the squeakers and lies along side the bed, one paw resting on the squeaker.

Holly & Hopper.

I go into The Missus's craft room and hide in the corner with the other ball.

Daisy & Hopper
 I start off by biting my ball.........squeak.

Then Holly steps on hers...........Squeek.


I bite mine again....................squeeeak.


Holly steps on hers again..................squEEEAk.


Well we have OTL running backwards and forwards between rooms looking for us 'Squeakers'

In the end we come running out to him woofing and laughing at the same time.

Gotcha Again OTL!!!!!

Back again tomorrow.

Bye for now.

Daisy & Holly

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