Saturday 14 June 2014

A cooler day, but it's still Muggy!

Hi Woofers!

We're back again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.

Last night The Missus was out with some of her 'Glue & Glitter' mates. Old Two Legs had to play 'Taxi Driver' for the evening and of course we were late to bed!

Not that it allowed us to stay in bed a bit longer 'cos TM had us up early to get  all her stuff up the hall for another of her 'Master Classes'.

The only ones allowed an extra snooze were the ferrets!

Down on the beach the sun was hiding behind the clouds, which was OK by us, it was still muggy but we didn't have the heat of the sun on our backs.

Holly still said it was too hot to go running about all over the place!

No thanks, I'll just have a rest here!
 The ferrets were happy that they could run along the Sea Wall without getting their paws roasted!

Come on Girl, get yer tail in gear!
 Miss Snowflake was in a good mood 'cos she kept jumping on Mr Brambles back and nibbling his ear!

Come on, Gissa Cuddle!
 Heading towards the car we spotted a rabbit on the path, Holly was off like a shot while I stayed back and watched. Of course, she didn't get anywhere near him before he disappeared into the bushes!

She'll never make it!
 Back home to a bowl of Doggy Scoff! Well, we both had a sniff and decided to have a snooze instead, just what is she feeding us?

When we went down the beach at lunch time the tide was in and I was wondering about a swim but I decided that the lack of sun would mean I could be shivering by the time we got back to car!

So, I stayed out of the water and instead went to inspect the fish the fishermen had caught.

What a sorry sight!

It wouldn't make even a mouthful!

Last of the Monster Fish!
 Further along I spotted a Bozo on the beach and he had Sarnies! By the time Holly had arrived he finished the last one!

Curses! Maybe next time we'll be lucky!

Quick Holly, he has a Sarnie!
 We had a bit of a surprise later, there we were, sniffing the sniffs when Holly called out that she thought we were being stalked!

We're being followed!
 Then, from out of nowhere there was a woofing and yelping as three Westies came crashing out of the undergrowth!

We caught you!
 We weren't sure if we should run or stay!

Come on Gang, sniff them!
 Holly and I soon worked out that they were friends and we had a fun five minutes. OTL got a 'Hello' from all of them and by the time the owner arrived they were all jumping up to lick OTL's nose!

There's another one here!
 Of course, they wanted to play but the owner wanted to go the other way, so, out comes the lead and the older woofer got clipped on and of course, the other had to follow.

So it was Good Bye for now and see you next time!

See you again soon!
It was good to get home and have our afternoon snooze while OTL went to pick up TM.

I think that OTL has curry tonight, so that means we have got to be all big and brave and go back to the Doggy Scoff.

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.

1 comment:

  1. Poor girls, if you see any of TM's glitter and glue ladies, you need to tell them what she feeds you, shame her into giving decent scoff ;) Glad the sun wasn't so hot today for Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles paws. You had an exciting time this afternoon, what with bozo's and sarnies, tl's and monster fish and then 3 nice playmates. Pictures are all lovely again today ............ I hope OTL told you what a good girl you are when you didn't go chasing that rabbit ........ maybe Holly should have tried the sneak approach, she might have got a bit closer. Have a lovely evening, hopefully there might be a mugging or 2. xxxx
