Monday 4 March 2019

Four Flogs Again!

Hi Woofers!

Here we are again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!

Well, wot a mess you made of the tiddly task we set you yesterday!

I think we will have to make the task a bit easier!

Yesterday when The Missus got back from her glue slapping she showed us a ferret that Auntie Mandy had made, just for us!

We have put it on the shelf where Old Two Legs keeps his whisky, so that is a very safe place!

Thank You Auntie Mandy!
OK, seeing as you all made a right mess of the task yesterday, here is your new task.

Today you must find a special new name for the latest addition to our gang!

So, no rude names this time and yes, his nose and inside his ears are really pink!

Off you go!

We didn't see any storm today although it did rain last night but to be honest, it didn't wake us up!

No sunrise today!
When we go walking at lunchtime OTL let's us decide which way we can go around the trees and grass areas.

It's good fun going to all the new places for new sniffs!

Hey! Here is a ferret sniff from the last time we were here!
 Today it was the turn of Wendy and Monty to come out with us and both had great fun sniffing their way around the walk. When we got back it took just two minutes to get them back into the cage and were fast asleep almost as soon as their tails hit the bed!

Talking of beds, Miss May was out this morning rampaging around the house, as normal, and OTL was busy getting the stuffing back into our Woofer Bed that normally is kept in the back of the car.

Today it had just got out of the washing machine and was dried off in the airing cupboard.

Miss May decided that today, instead of falling asleep under the sofa she headed for the bed and, well, she fell asleep!

Trouble is, it sniffs of ferret!
Eric tried to get in for a cuddle as well but Miss May decided she wanted the whole bed to herself!

Maybe tomorrow Eric can have a snooze in the bed, if he's a good boy!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!