Friday 24 November 2017

Friday and have we got some tidying up to do!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here again!

After our week with Old Two Legs we have got to get the house back to a 'Normal' state. You see, we have been having fun sort of not doing much about the Bonio Biscuit Crumbs and the other bits of nibbles that have managed to find their way into the corners of the sofa and on the carpets and in the bed and under the pillows!

Holly managed to hide two Teeth Cleaning chews under the duvet but the ferrets found those and hid them in the bathroom where I found them and hid them under my cushion in OTL's office where Holly found them and stashed them under the stairs where Wendy found them and moved them both to under the sofa!

So, you see, we got a load of de crumbing to do!

Holly Chops has not felt very well today 'cos last night she enjoyed a carrot that OTL had skinned for her but overnight she managed to be sick in several places and now, not only has she got a Grumbly Tum but she also has a Grumbly Bum and we are almost running out of cloths with which OTL can clean her butt!

Holly is a sad looking puppy, but it hasn't stopped her chewing on my Bonio this afternoon!

I can see that she will be getting OTL up tonight so she can go for a wander up the back of the garden!

Many, Many times!

We have been out delivering this afternoon and we had to stop several times 'cos Holly needed to 'Go'. It was a bit of a problem when there was a load of traffic!

Tomorrow we collect The Missus and bring her back but we won't be getting too close to her 'cos she has picked up one of those 'Children Colds' they are the sort that the children pass off but seem to reduce grown ups to a snotty gibbering wreck for two or three weeks!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.


  1. Yo maties. Well I'm very sorry to hear about Holly's grumbly tum, has OTL got any pro-kolin in his medicine cupboard, I bet that would soon sort her butt out, hope she feels better very soon. Grumbly butts can cause your butt to get a tad sore. If I was OTL, I'd sleep downstairs so he can get to the garden door very quickly. Sorry to hear that Mrs TM has caught a cold as well, when she gets home maybe OTL should cook her some chicken when he cooks yours. Good luck with the cleaning up and finding where all the stash of treats has been stowed, it's like musical treats in your house. I've had a quiet day, I was up and alert and like a coiled spring very early this morning, just in case any intruders were lurking around. My mum isn't in a very happy mood, the tax man wrote to her and it seems he wasn't wishing her a happy xmas but demanding more money, now my mum is a bit like OTL, the one thing she hates more than anything else is being mugged by the tax man, she did have a word with the tax man and I expect his ears are still ringing, but he still wants more cash. My mum reckons I've got to go on diet to help with the deficit of fiscal spondulics. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, my boy has the weekend off work so I expect lots of fuss and cuddles, I bet you and Holly chops are looking forward to Mrs TM coming home, even if she has a snotty nose. I'm sure being back with you and Holly she'll soon feel better. Hope you manage a snooze or two this evening and hope Miss Grumbly butt doesn't need to go during the night. Get well all. Love, licks, wags and sniffs from little Arch and Mr Nipper xxxxxxxxxx

  2. Oh dear what a sorry story you weave except for TM coming home and that is tinged with the sorrow of a children's unwanted cold. I hope the journey goes well and you get to see the little ones, or not so little ones now! Margaret has had her new knee we had a call this afternoon, so relieved that she didn't get sent home like last time. Perhaps you will find some tasty treats in your search but don't get the ferrets helping or you will never be finished. Take care xxxxxx
