Wednesday, 29 July 2020

You just can't trust a Ferret!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Another fine and sunny day here here in North Kent, Wendy came out with us first thing and had a great time tearing across the football field while Holly and I went into 'sniff mode'!

Old Two Legs has been busy on the computer again, dead boring especially when you want to go out and have a rampage around the garden!

You know, it was so exciting that I could hardly contain myself!

Exciting or Wot!
 Eric got himself in trouble, again.

He loves ferreting around in the office and of course, if there is a sniff to sniff, he'll be there sniffing like mad

Now I wonder what's in this thing?
 Using the gap in the bin lid I can sniff something very interesting!

It sniffs like Ferret Munchies!
Then he tries the lid, just to see what would happen if he pokes it with his paw!

Boom! Boom! Boom goes the lid!
 Well, you know what happens when you keep pounding on the lid with your paw?

Summat's got to give!
Then in he goes sniffing all the ferret sniffs!

That's our Eric, any sign of a sniff and he's there!

So far today he has got into that bin five times, so, if ever we can't find him, the bin is the first place to look!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.