Thursday, 16 February 2017

Nothing like a good Exfoliate!

Hello Woofers!

Us here again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and finally, Eric de Ferret!

Wot a super day today. The sun has been shining all day and the wind has been gentle as well!

We spotted a Wormy Man out on the mud, digging for all he was worth! Old Two Legs took a photo then started singing the Twelve Days of Christmas, but our version!

I can't remember all of the words but it ended up with.....................

.......Two Scruffy Dogs and a Very Merry Muddy Wooormy Man!
Wendy and Freddy didn't join in the song 'cos they were trying to beat me up to the grass path, but I got ahead of them 'cos I have longer legs and can run faster that they can!

Hey Ferrets! Kiss the Tail!
Freddy said that he would bite 'The Tail' if he could get any closer, but he's got to catch me first!

OTL was busy this morning getting everything cleared up and finished 'cos he is away this weekend with his cousin Alun.

We reckon it is going to be wot The Missus calls a 'Boozy Weekend'!

Lunchtime it was still all sun shine and balmy breezes, there were the normal quota of Mini Two Legs enjoying their 'Half Term Holiday'

May and Eric had fun on the sand, digging and sniffing all over the place!

Can you see it? I can still feel the sand in my tail!
 May had the answer to Eric's sand problem, she dived onto the Sea Kale and had a good 'Exfoliate'
on the leaves!

Come on Eric, this is the way!
Holly and I spent the afternoon snoozing in the office while OTL was working. As he is off tomorrow we didn't want him to forget just how cuddly we are!

Mind you, when OTL is away we might be able to get a bit more of the bed, providing that TM doesn't kick us off the bed!

It will be fun watching TM when she cleans out the ferret cages 'cos all the ferrets just love sneaking up on OTL to give him a 'Ferret Boo!'

That normally ends up with OTL banging his head on the cage roof!

We'll let you know what happens!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.