Saturday 30 April 2022

Saturday Snooker!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here again!

Well now, it has been a very interesting day. To start off, we met up with a new woofer called 'Skye', only she didn’t-t come from Scotland, she came from Welsh Wales!

Of course, she took to Old Two Legs and was all over him like a rash and couldn't stop herself from falling onto her back to get her tummy tickled!


  Of course, The Missus had to have a stroke as well but I kept out of the way!

 The other woofer, whose name I have forgotten, normally shies away from OTL but because Skye was making so much of a fuss over OTL, she came up to him and gave him a big grin and even managed a smile!

 Normally she runs away but this time OTL got a stroke as well!

 OTL spent the morning changing over the insurers on the big car, it seems that the car is too big and powerful or OTL is too much of a 'Boy Racer'!

A quick thrash around the Internetty Thing and we found a company that was happy that OTL wouldn't be doing burn-ups around the village and then took some money off him!

We is now insured!

 Lunchtime it was down the sea front again and this time OTL got really sneaky and managed to get a photograph of me being attracted by OTL giving our secret call that there were rabbits here!

There were no rabbits, just OTL being sneaky!

Mind you, I got my own back, I managed to get a deep paddle in the sea, followed by a roll on the sandy beach. OTL had put some of that anti flea stuff on my back and while the sand wouldn't get rid of it, it did help disguise the sniff!

First a wash.

Then a roll on the sand!

Back home it was a roll on the bed before I was happy the anti-flea stuff managed to get dry then it was down to watch some TV.

Over the last few days OTL has been watching some snooker contest. Now snooker is played with a load of balls on a table and the Two Legs smack the balls around the table, trying to get the balls to fall down rabbit holes in the table corners.

I'm sure there is more to it than that but OTL enjoyed it and was going Oooh! and then Arrrgh!

There was a TL who seemed to be the one to keep everyone in order, like telling the audience to shut up and fishing some balls out of the rabbit holes and putting them back on the table 'cos they hadn't run fast enough across the table!

It was sort of interesting but I was cuddled up on OTL's lap chewing on a carrot, so I was OK!

It didn't finish until late, that's why the blog it a little late today, blame OTL!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy Dog.