Sunday, 29 March 2015

OTL's Little Darlings!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles back with you again!

Well, we over slept this morning, Woofers, Ferrets and Old Two Legs!

We didn't care that the clocks had gone forward, we needed some sleep!

Holly got OTL up once in the night but after that everyone was snoozing their heads off and dreaming about yesterday!

There was one little girl, who we have forgotten her name, but she had two ferrets called Thunder and Lightening!

Missy with Thunder
.............and this is Lightening!
 There was the normal rush to get all the ferrets booked into their different sections!

Booking In!
 There was one prize for the Best Decorated Cage, guess who won that?

Is that a Rabbit or a Ferret on the cage?
 In the next cage to us there was the 4th Place winner of the Coloured Hob section. We couldn't remember his name so Snowflake has called him 'Cuddles'!

4th Place? Really? Wow!
 and just to prove it, here is the Two Legs with the rosette and certificate!

4th Place Coloured Hob!
 Last show, Mr Brambles picked up a bug that has been rampaging around the ferret world and it gives them a bad tummy. He had to have a course of anti biotic medicine! The bug made him feel very poorly and it could be fatal to an old ferret. This year there were bottles of hand wash stuff that you washed your hands with before and after handling a ferret, especially the 'Runners' who were taking the ferret to be judged!

Instructions on using the Hand Wash!
Going around the cages there were plenty of opportunities to photograph the ferrets who were awake!

Please! No more photos, I need some sleep!
 Mike and Sue came down to visit and Mike was all over the place photographing the ferrets, who knows, he may even get a couple!

Michael, Getting down to Ferret Level!
Our walk this morning was a 'Sedate' stroll, even the ferrets didn't feel like tearing around as they normally do!

We met up with The Lads, Bryn, Max and Oscar and told them all about the ferret show. They were dead impressed!

Then we met Butch and he was just as impressed. Holly has got a 'Soft Spot' for Butch who she thinks is a 'Seriously Fit Woofer' and fancies him something rotten!

Holly fancies Butch!
 Miss Snowflake went for a paddle in the water but then demanded to be picked up. When OTL asked why she should be carried she said 'Cos I'm a Star'!

I'm a Star, I should be carried!
 Back home the ferrets enjoyed their morning slurp of Lactose Free Milk diluted with a drop of warm water!

Mummmm, Mummmmm, Mummmm!

When the ferrets were out 'Rampaging' around the house this morning, Snowflake was getting picked up every time she went past OTL and she got a kiss on the top of her head from OTL and he kept calling her his 'Clever Little Ferret'!

She had to ask him to leave off kissing her 'cos she was getting a wet and soggy head and it was making her fur frizzy and curl up!

All this stardom has it's draw backs sometimes!

So, we are now waiting for TM to phone home to get OTL to pick her up.

We can't wait to tell her all about our adventure!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles!