Friday 25 November 2022

A Snoozy Sort of Day

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here.

Well, it's been one of those nothing days, you know what I mean.

We were out earlyish and managed to miss all the lads who I reckon were still in their doggy beds and fast asleep!


 I reckon even the sun was still in bed!

Mind you, we got down to the sea wall and saw a Two Legs doing wot OTL normally does but this one had a tripod!

 Ready? Now everyone say Weeeeeeeeeeeee!

Not sure what he was expecting cos the clouds were hiding the spot where the sun pokes its face over the horizon!
Walking a bit further along the sea wall we came across a young Grey Heron poking around in the mud looking for some breakfast.

It chased off a couple of Egrets and another Heron, not that it made much difference cos the must be at least a square mile of mud to play around in!

I just love the way they all tap the water to entice the worms to come up to the surface!

Back home it was the normal Friday jobs, send out invoices, pay a few invoices and generally sort out the paperwork.

Boring or wot!

One good thing, no rain!

Mind you, I reckon we will get some rain over the weekend, if the weatherman is to be believed!


 Even the rabbits were tucked up in their beds!
See you all tomorrow.