Friday, 23 June 2017

OTL Super Man Strikes Again!

See Yooo Woofers!

It's McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, Mac Freddy and Eric de MacFerret again!
Well, wot a tale to tell!
Yesterday we had more water pouring out of the water pump, but from the wrong bit!
Seems that the cause was a Diaphragm failure, like it had split and instead of water heading up the pipe it was pouring over the floor!
You could swim up the carpet and there were some spiders doing synchronised swimming under the bed!

The Culprit!
 So, Old Two Legs spent some time on the computer and located a caravan accessory shop that had a pump in stock.

The only problem was, it was 130 miles away in Glasgow!

One telephone call and off went OTL to fetch the new pump. As you would guess, the pump made his wallet jump, in fact it very nearly had a heart attack!

Back he came and as soon as he got back, he installed to new pump and pretty soon we had water coming out of the taps and the job of drying the carpet could carry on!

We have used up all the towels and are now down to using rolls of kitchen paper towels to soak up the last of it all!

Well done that OTL!

So that is why I didn't do the blog last night.....................however.

Today is our last day here on the camp site and we have had a super time. Having the beach so close means we can enjoy walkies and swimming and sniffing and ferreting around all day!

Super! I heard OTL and The Missus talking about coming back next year!

Holly and I have been on the beach today having a last sniff.

I sniff a Tiddly Diddly Nelly Fish!
 Of course the ferrets have been enjoying their time in the grass and on the beach and poking their noses into all manner of holes!

I sniff a Nargle!
 Miss May has here favourite tree trunk she always sniffs every time she is on the beach!

I'm going to miss you!
 Holly and I have been hunting rabbits as well and although we have seen them, we haven't actually caught up with them!

Sniffin' for the last rabbit!
 Even the ferrets helped sniff for rabbits but we reckon that they wouldn't know what to do with them, even if they found them!

No, no rabbits here, just Nargles!
 Being the last day, I took the opportunity to have one last swim in the sea. Holly still refused to get her paws wet and instead had OTL chasing her up and down the beach to stop her rolling on the Nelly Fish!

Daring Daisy the Super Surfer!
TM and OTL are off out tonight for a meal at the local restaurant, they do some nice Haggis and Chips we have been told!

Tomorrow we are back in Gretna Green and it will be Plawn Clackers and a bottle of Giggle Juice then the next day we meet up with Hamish, Izzy and the gang!

Now that will be fun!

See you tomorrow!

McDaisy, McHolly, Miss McMay, Miss McWendy, Mac Freddy and Eric de MacFerret again!