Friday, 20 September 2013

Snowflake gets a lesson in 'Might is Right'!

Hello Woofers!

It's us, back with you again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.

Today has not been very exciting for us 'cos Old Two Legs had to go out mid morning and he didn't get back until five thirty this evening, poor lad has been working!

We did have a laugh this morning at Snowflakes expense, which makes a change!

OTL got up at his normal time, just after six and started on his rowing machine, Snowflake got up and said her 'Good Mornings' then went back to bed to finish off her sleep.

OTL was thrashing about as usual when Mr Brambles fell out of bed and woke himself up! So, as he was awake, he also said good morning to OTL who by now was getting into his paddling rhythm, you know, plonk......plonk.....plonk....plonk.....plonk, thrashing away at twenty seven strokes a minute.

After watching for a few minutes, even he got bored and went back to bed.

This morning, OTL had turned the machine around and was looking at the TV the correct way around, so, totally unaware of the stroke count he found himself getting a sweat on and up to six hundred strokes in no time!

Clever old stick!

So that was it, early into the shower and get dressed while Holly and me were still snoozing on his bed!

OTL, after getting dressed, heads off to the office to let the ferrets out for a run around while he replenishes the food bowl and gets fresh water for them.

This morning Snowflake had the 'Pickle' in her and was running around and jumping over the cardboard tubes and Mr Brambles and OTL's feet!

OTL, thinking there could be some fun coming, got the camcorder out and, well, have a look for yourself.

Well, who spotted Mr Brambles having a Poo behind the Poo Tray? Sometimes OTL catches him and lifts him into the Poo Tray before he can get going but today all OTL could do was pick up the poo and give the carpet a spray with 'Pets Safe disinfectant!

Well, Miss Snowflake was rescued by OTL and was unhurt really 'cos you could see her go for Mr Brambles right at the end!

Mr Brambles is a super, kind and a sweetheart but sometimes Miss Snowflake has to be reminded that he is bigger and heavier than her!

OTL is back home now, so we are off to see what he has for dinner!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake (Sore Ear) and Mr Brambles (Sore Butt!)