Wednesday 8 May 2024

The first lily pad!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

Another fun day of computer mayhem! At one time OTL was pressing three buttons at the same time and the keyboard and mouse froze!

Taking out the USB plug and inserting it in another socket brought it all back online…….Lucky OTL!

Looking in the pond at all the Taddly Poles we were surprised to see that most of them were asleep just below the surface. OTL reckons they are all resting while they grow legs!

Mind you, all I see is their tails wriggling behind them!

The sky was good this morning. There were sunbeams blasting out of the clouds, it looked quite dramatic.

While OTL was messing about with the camera, I spotted Devo and Zoro in the distance and tore after them.

We had a great time ducking and diving and butt sniffing.

The pond is absolutely full  of Taddly Poles and that Lilly Pad is getting bigger by the day.

Our lunchtime walk was good ‘cos we saw a Red Kite glide over the football field, first for a long time.

Aunty Sarn has been giving OTL some helpful tips about the computer but it seems OTL hasn’t got the same buttons on his keyboard!  I think it’s going to be a long time before OTL and the computer work together!

Bye for now.

