Thursday, 29 January 2015

Sno Snow Fairy Yet!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles here!

I don't know about where you live but here in North Kent we have had sunshine and blue sky's!

Holly and I woke up this morning expecting to see the Snow Fairy but were disappointed when we looked out of the window, just a very mild frost!

Even the ferrets got out of their Ferret Bag and went for a wander along the grass path before they got back in and let Old Two Legs carry them down to the beach!

Of course, Miss Snowflake said that it was cold but bearable once she was out of the wind!

Yeah, Not Bad Here Either!
Mr Brambles headed for the Sea Wall and challenged Snowflake to a race up the stairs. Mind you, he was a couple of yards in front when he said it!

Beat Ya!
Sneaky Ferret or Wot!

Back home it Lambs Heart and a snooze but I got a bit bored around eleven and decided I wanted another walk, so, I did what I always do, I jumped up and gave OTL's chair a good shove!

Now, he was trying to work on some very small connectors and could hardly see the hole where the wire should go, so, having me shoving him on the back was not on!

He got the message and off we went!

As it was still sunny, Holly asked when the Snow Fairy would be arriving, but OTL didn't really know and all he would say was....soon!

Look! Sunshine!
Down on the mud we spotted a few Turnstone plonking around in the mud looking for some stones to turn!

Gissa Stone?
Of course, after that we went home and let OTL finish off the connectors.

That left us without a walk at our normal time but we had a snooze to get over the walk, just like normal, that was until three thirty when I got that 'I wanna Walk' feeling. So, off I went to the back of OTL's chair and .............................I gave it another big shove!

Yep! He got the message and so, at five fifteen, we have just come back from another walk along the Sea Wall and down on the beach!

Still no snow, but the clouds were very dark and we were sure we could see snow falling from them, but not onto us!

Maybe tomorrow!

We're off now to do some mugging!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.