Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here with you again!
We were glad to read that Archie Babe escaped that woofer with a bad attitude! Mind you, with his Two Legs looking after him he should be OK!
This morning it looked as though it would be a bit cooler with the clouds but when we got down to the beach we found that it was rather warm!
If the tide was in I'd be in for a swim! |
'ere! It don't squeak! |
Come on, on yer 'ead this time! |
Miss May throwing a dummy! |
Well, when we came back with Freddy and Wendy, the ball had gone! Freddy said he didn't mind 'cos it was quite warm and he didn't fancy running around chasing a ball. He decided that catching a few rays is a better idea!
Someone fetch me a cooling drink please! |
Back home The Missus ran out to the ice cream van that came 'Ding-a-Linging' down our road. She got three super ice cream cones, that is one for her, one for OTL and one for Holly and me!
It was great giving it a good lick and Holly and I got ice cream all over our muzzles!
We both had fun licking it all off!
See you tomorrow!
Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.