Wednesday, 23 August 2017

A Ball of a Day!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here with you again!

We were glad to read that Archie Babe escaped that woofer with a bad attitude!  Mind you, with his Two Legs looking after him he should be OK!

This morning it looked as though it would be a bit cooler with the clouds but when we got down to the beach we found that it was rather warm!

If the tide was in I'd be in for a swim!
 As we came off the beach Eric found a foot ball on the Sea Wall! Someone had left it on the beach and Eric had never seen a ball so big!

'ere! It don't squeak!
 Eric was having a great time, he was chasing it up the path and then down again and then up again!

Come on, on yer 'ead this time!
 It was good to see May join in the game as well! You know she was rather good at dribbling it along the path!

Miss May throwing a dummy!
We had to leave it on the path and hope that it would still be there when we come back at lunchtime.

Well, when we came back with Freddy and Wendy, the ball had gone! Freddy said he didn't mind 'cos it was quite warm and he didn't fancy running around chasing a ball. He decided that catching a few rays is a better idea!

Someone fetch me a cooling drink please!
Typical Freddy Boy! Anything for a relaxing life!

Back home The Missus ran out to the ice cream van that came 'Ding-a-Linging' down our road. She got three super ice cream cones, that is one for her, one for OTL and one for Holly and me!

It was great giving it a good lick and Holly and I got ice cream all over our muzzles!

We both had fun licking it all off!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.