Monday 8 April 2024

Guess who we met?

Hello Woofers,

Daisy here again.

This morning we were up early after being kept awake with The Missus bouncing arond in the early hours of the morning.

Just as we were driving into the car park who did we see walking down the road?

Devo & Zoro!

That was it, a great start to the walk!

While OTL was busy taking photo's of Slippy Cows and watching the ships come in us woofers had a great time chasing about sniffing the sniffs.

It was a shame when we came to the end of the walk and Devo & Zoro had to go their way while OTL and I headed off towards the car park.

While OTL and I were out TM had got busy in the garden potting up some plants and digging up the nettles. We had some more nettles over the other side of the garden so there will be nettles enough for the Flutterflies this summer.

OTL and I are taking bets on how many Floggs we will see this year, that is, Floggs with four legs. So far we have seen two Floggs and loads of Taddlypolls!

OK, that's it for today, see you tomorrow.

