Monday, 21 April 2014

The First Swallow!

Hello Woofers!

Us here again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.

You know, today has been pretty good. Like sunshine almost all day, chicken for breakfast and a nibble of Old Two Legs Marmite Toast at lunch time!

Holly and I have been snoozing on the bed for most of the morning after our 'Rush Around' the beach first thing. The ferrets were enjoying the sun shine as well, even though there was a brisk wind blowing in off the sea. Mr Brambles got under the Sea Wall and managed to get out of the wind and enjoy the warm sun.

I've never found a full shell!
 Miss Snowflake was too interested in chasing around the beach looking for new sniffs!

I joined her for a while, that was until Holly woofed that she had something really smell and worth a roll in!

Any Good Sniffs?
OTL heard her and warned both of us of the perils of 'Sniff Rolling' which may include a cold water hose down and a scrub with the kitchen floor scrubbing brush!

We got the message!

It was at that moment that OTL said 'Look!' and pointed to the sky, well, that's a funny place for a rabbit I thought! Then he said 'Swallow!' And it was! The first swallow we had seen this year, Summer is on it's way!

It had been raining overnight, so we all got a bit damp, especially the ferrets 'cos their tummies are closer to the ground than ours! Even so, they got wet and Holly and I got wet as well from jumping in the grass and stuff!

It was a good job OTL had our Doggy Towel in the car and we all got a good rub down to take the damp off out hair, ferrets first of course!

Lunchtime it was still sun shine but the wind was still blowing and as hard as he tried, OTL still didn't get any good pictures of the insects that were flying around. That was until the end of the walk when he took particular interest in a sort of spiders web that was crawling with caterpillars!

Not sure but we will keep our eyes on them!
We've had a look in his insect book and also on The Web but still couldn't identify them. Still, they were all awake and wriggling about, so it won't be long before they leave the nest and head off to chomp their way through the hedgerows!

Back home OTL has been teaching The Missus how to create a PDF file and email it. Seems TM had no idea what a PDF file was to begin with, but now she does!

While he was with her laptop OTL ran an Anti-Virus program that showed up over ten thousand broken files in the 'Browser' section and a ton of other dodgy files that would slow up the computer!

Still, it's all nice and clean again and she is back on the Internet racking up the broken links again!

So, a Clean Computer and the First Swallow, it's been a good day today!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.