Saturday, 13 March 2021

Another Windy Day!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

You know, this winter wind is still hanging on. When we went out this morning it blew us right across the football field and onto the golf course. By then we had got behind the trees that then blocked the worse of the wind.

Mind you, there were places that we went sniffing that just happened to put us in a position that nearly blew our tails off!

It's a bit draft along here Sis!

The Missus said she wanted to come out with us at lunchtime but when we told her we were off, she decided that a chat on the computer was a better idea than running around in the cold!

When we got to the seaside there were rain clouds in the distance but we managed to miss them, they went over into Essex!

No rain there but there is some coming down the Thames!

With all this Brexit and stuff there seems to be more container ships and bulk carriers seen on the Thames, somewhere business is good!

Next stop Holland!

Once we got over the hill, the trees blocked most of the wind. Remember the Daffodilly that was blooming? Well, it's gone, someone must have picked it and taken it home 'cos it was nowhere to be seen!

We just hope it landed in a nice wet flower vase!

Getting out of the wind is rather good 'cos the sniffs are easier to find, mind you, Old Two Legs knows where the sniffs have been and marches up behind us when we get close and won't let us have a roll.


So, there we are, having to survive on faint sniffs from a week ago!

No, that is at least two weeks old!

One bonus today, TM felt guilt about not going out walkies, she really needs the exercise you know, so, we got another walk across the farm land and this was done while OTL went into town to get some chicken strips for us and on top of that, Holly and I got a rawhide type of chew that had the label, 'Finest Chicken Chews, sourced from grass fed cattle'!!!!!!!!!!

You don't get a chicken from a cow!

Mind you, it tasted OK!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.