Hello Woofers,
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!
Well, once again the weather has been a bit dismal and this morning on our walk around the old golf course, we spotted the markings some Two Legs had laid out, so it looks like they will be building more houses and our morning walk will have gone! We are not sure if it will be an extension to the existing park or a brick-built houses. We will have to get The Missus to look on the FaceAche Internetty Thingy to see what the villagers had said in the past.
Like most villages, we have our network of ‘those what are in the know’!
Holly and I had great fun today. You see, we got back from our morning walk and spent time snoozing on the bed until we heard Old Two Legs putting the ferrets back to bed. Holly suggested we play a trick on OTL.
I would do my ‘jumping up’ and bashing the back of his chair while Holly looked all dopy and sat at the front door. I went into ‘talk mode’ and jumped up and down some more.
It wasn’t long before OTL got his hat and coat on and we were off for another walk!
This time we went down to the sea front!
OTL brought the camera with the 50mm lens today and set about looking for flowers and bugs!
Mind you, OTL spotted something he reckons is a 'Hairy Bug'!
The 50mm lens is OK but there is something missing, maybe the 35mm is going to be better.
OTL found what he though was the small flower he photographed yesterday, well, it looked about the size of a 5p coin.
It still doesn't look to be as expected but let's see what tomorrow brings.
Grubbing around in the margins we found some soldier beetles, not many, just three or four but enough to photograph and zoom in!
There we are, one flower and two bugs but we don't know what that black thing is!
Now, this next flower we don't remember seeing before and the flower is about the same size as a French Pea, a tiny little flower!
I think we will have to look for this again tomorrow.
So, it's time we went and jumped up on his chair again for another walk!
See you tomorrow.
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.