Daisy & Holly here on a super sunny Sunday!
It was good to poke our nose behind the curtain and see the sun shining onto the pond this morning and even better, it has stayed like that all day!
We were out first thing with Old Two Legs, the tide was in and there were a couple of fishermen there teaching the worms to swim!
We woofed 'Hello' and they laughed at us and one said that he would put us on his hook to catch the fish with!
I can't see OTL allowing that for a start!
There were no other dogs on The Sea Wall but we did sniff some of the locals who had been down there before us!
Yep! Billy and young Toby were here! |
There were no birds on the beach because the tide was almost fully in so we couldn't even woof a hello to brighten their day!
Some times the sniffs get 'Joined up' and the one you think it belongs to in fact is only an 'addition' to the original!
Its Oscar, but how did he get it up this high! |
Not that Holly and I worried about what he thought, we were OK doing our own thing!
Rat or Rabbit or Squirrel or Sea Gull? |
We are Sailing, We are Sailing! |
The Boys are Here! |
Holly went POTTY!
So did I!
They stayed for a couple of hours and then they were off again. Busy, Busy, Busy!
Holly and I are settling down to watch the F1 racing and looking forward to OTL getting dinner 'cos he's got curry tonight!
See you tomorrow!
Daisy & Holly