Monday, 24 April 2017

We hear a Cuckoo!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret here once again!

This morning it was rather warm, especially as the weather man had said we were in for some cold weather and snow and blizzards!

No Snow Here!
 I celebrated by going in for a swim!

No Icebergs here!
 Freddy was in a good mood and showed us all how to dig a trench by using only his nose!

You just sticks yer nose in the sand and run at it!
 Impressive or wot!

 While we were on the beach we could hear a Cuckoo calling out. We looked at all the tree tops and the bushes but just couldn't pick him out anywhere.

I'm sure that in the end Holly fell asleep!

I can't see the Cuck-a-Doodle-Koo!
 Back home Old Two Legs had a few orders he had to get out today so we left him to it and went off looking for food!

Young Freddy fell asleep in his Cuddle Cup with Miss Wendy and only woke up when OTL bashed the side of his cage!

OK. Just Who Did That?
 We reckon that tonight it will get cold, so we have got our places reserved on OTL's bed tonight and we will make sure The Missus doesn't take up too much room either!

See you tomorrow.



Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.