Saturday, 5 April 2014

Saturday Sunshine!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles here again!

What a super day today, we were up good and early 'cos The Missus is off to one of her 'Master Classes' and needs to get up there early to put all the tables out and get the hall looking like a class room!

We were off down the beach enjoying the sunshine! Miss Snowflake was playing with some dried sea weed and talking about how important camouflage was when hiding from Hawks and Eagles!

This is how it's done!
 Mr Brambles said that he thinks he found a Monster hiding in the shells. He tried digging it out but as much as he dug in, the Monster dug further!

He even tried to make it come out by calling names but that didn't work either!

Come on Out, I Know Your In There!
Miss Snowflake then showed us how to make a 'Portable Camouflage' hide. She showed us how to roll up sea weed so that you can carry it on your back!

.....and you roll it up like this.
Holly and I went off sniffing and I started by saying that I could sniff camel! Holly said that it would be best if we didn't mention that 'cos Old Two Legs would have us off down to the vets double quick!

Ssssssh! Talk like that will get you some Worming Tablets!
Back home we had some chicken and biscuits and the ferrets got offered a raw chicken leg, chopped up in small bits, bone and all!

Well, they had a sniff and went back to their normal food and nibbles.

So much for a Ferret Treat!

Lunch time we were out again down on the beach but the tide hadn't come in yet, so I had to do without my swim!

There were some other doggies who's owner said to her mate, take them down for a swim in the water...................................Duh?  Can't she see it's mud?

Before we could say anything the dogs were paddling in the mud and getting really messy!

Getting Yucky!
 Makes you wonder what some of these Two Legs use for eyes!

Holly and I had fun chasing each other around and sniffing the sniffs and as we got close to the car I called out to OTL,  'Hey! Look! Clean Paws!'

Look, Clean Paws!
Back home we watched OTL messing about with some rocks in the pond. Holly bet me a whole chew that he was going to fall in the pond, but OTL is too clever for that and he stayed dry!

Mind you, I'm still waiting for my chew from Holly!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.