Wednesday, 28 March 2018

A Wet Wednesday!

Hi Woofers!

Here we are again, The Wet Woofers, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret!

Well, today has been a Quiet Day 'cos we were up early and it was raining, not much, but there was rain falling out of the sky!

Being early means it is still dark and there wasn't a sunrise to photograph!

So, we were left with a little bit of blossom to try and make a master piece out of!

If you half close your eyes you can just make out the Moaner Lisa!
Looking across to Sheerness wasn't any better, in fact, not very exciting at all!

Did you know there are scorpions over there on a wall!
Heading back to the car Holly spotted a couple of rabbits in the picnic area and gave chase. Soppy Holly has no chance of catching them but she tried and just ended up being out of breath!

One day, just wait, I'll get you one day!
Lunchtime it was horrid, it was raining and we had to wear out rain coats, Old Two Legs didn't take the camera out with him 'cos he said that it wasn't that water proof!

Back home we had a bowl of chicken each and that was followed by our treat of a Jumbone Chew!

Let's hope tomorrow is better!

Bye for now!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret!