Tuesday 22 November 2022

Not Happy, One thing I'm not is Happy!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

Well, this is it, I got washed today and on top of that I got shaved all over my butt!

It started this morning when we were out walking with Old Two Legs.

The sunrise had sort of got started but wasn't looking like it was going to perform.

It was as we were walking past that OTL said I was going to have my hair cut today.

 Now I stood still and gave him the old hairy eyeball, hair cut? That normally is proceeded by a wash in freezing cold water.

Well, it was the last time I got a haircut at this place!

We walked a little further and the sun sort of came a little higher behind Sheerness and I asked just one question...........Bald like last time?

I had lost all interest in the sunrise and wandered off remembering it was summer when I last got sploshed and shaved!

Well, eleven thirty and we were standing outside the hair cutting place and watched the lady mixing hot and cold water.

OTL took my collar off me, picked me up and put me into the plastic bath, which, I must admit, was full of warm and soapy water!

Well, I won't scare you with tales of washing and shavers and soap up my nose and stuff like that but in the end, I smelt like a tarts handbag and was all fluffy!

OTL broke into tears when he paid the lady and off, we went home to have a snooze and get over my traumatic experience!

See you tomorrow when I've calmed down a bit!

