Friday, 28 October 2016

Getting all Tarted Up!

Yo Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy and the Famous Freddy de Ferret!

Another 'interesting' day here in sunny North Kent!

You know we went away in the caravan and the electric water heater stopped working. Well, being into electronics, Old Two Legs changed the blown fuse but the heater still wouldn't work, so, he switched the system over to 'Gas' ad off we went, hot water all the time we were up there, providing The Missus remembered to turn the gas water heater on, which a few mornings, she didn't!

Cold showers are not OTL's thing!

Anyway, the man who installed the heater before we went away, came to visit today to make it all work again. The water heater is now working again, new fuse!

Also the fridge was going into 'Deep Freeze' mode and we had tomatoes frozen solid like glass marbles!

Seems the thermostat wasn't connected, so a quick plug switch and Hey Presto, fridge working!

OTL had left a message on the Harrietsham Ferret Rescue asking if he and Miss May can visit to meet prospective partners and we expect a line up of eligible Hobbles (Castrated Hob)!

When we went out for our walk we discussed May visiting Harrietsham, Holly and I have told her she has to sniff like a really attractive ferret so we have been out sniffing for weasel wee!

It was good down on the beach this morning, the sun was up and the clouds were high in the sky.

Good Morning Sheerness!
We spotted a couple of Two Legs having a rest from riding their bikes and OTL asked what they were looking for.

We are looking for Ferrets!
 In the sea?

Strange or wot!

Yeah, a bit of Weasel Wee and some rabbit poo behind each ear should do it!
We helped May locate some wee and she was straight in sloshing it about all over the place!

Yeah! Slosh it all over!
When we got home we found that OTL had almost finished all the paperwork so he will be free for some fun over the weekend!

After lunch we got a call from Chris at the Harrietsham Rescue saying we can come down on Saturday about eleven for introductions to the lads!

May was getting all excited on getting the news and decided to have an early night so she would be bright and beautiful for introductions tomorrow!

Freddy said that she may meet some of his mates who may still be there and asked May to say hello to them for him!

Yeah, there's Jumbo, Wally, Doodle, Pookie, Cadbury, Stan, Silly Sid, Alvin, Echo, Henry, Sammy, Barry, Alfred, Billy Boy,
 The sea was calm and we spotted another 'Floating House Brick' heading into Sheerness to drop off some more new cars!

Left paw down a bit Number One!
 So, we are all excited about who may come back with May! Wendy says that who ever it is, he will have to be big and tough 'cos Miss May is a feisty little girl!

We will be handing over a donation from Rose and Rosie Rogers who asked The Missus to pass it on when she next contacts Harrietsham!

Job done! Every little helps!

See you all tomorrow.

Luv, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret.