Wednesday 5 October 2022

Not Mush Room Here!

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy back again!

Well, Old Two Legs remembered the big lens and was all set for a super sunrise together with a shot of the fungi.

The sunrise didn't happen, in fact it was grey and dismal, in fact rubbish!

Didn't I say it was rubbish?

The Fungi wasn't much better, just look at it, we were only able to get half of the Fairy Ring!

Fairy Ring? It's more like an Elliflumps bum!

 Lunchtime came and OTL dug out the big camera and screwed on the big lens to see if he could do better.

The fungi was those big dinner plate things that start off white but grow brown in the sunlight.

This is a big one!

The sky was still dull and grey and had the promise of rain. Lucky for us it wasn't until late afternoon before everything got wet!

It's this sort of sky that makes you do speedy wee's!

On the way back home we see that the trees are now dropping their leaves and making like it's autumn proper.

It's looking a bit like Autumn!

Back home OTL got busy with the telephone, setting up an appointment at the vet and arranging for a prescription for me. It seems that our normal vet has left the practice and there is no one qualified to check me over or give me an injection!

OTL has promised to give me a wash tomorrow, you see I've been rolling in sniffs and he reckons I'm beginning to honk a little!

The lad's got no idea how a sniff sets you above other woofers!

See you tomorrow.

