Saturday 1 May 2021

It's That IR Camera Again!

 Hello Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret!

OK, I know it's Saturday but to be honest, it seems just like Friday, minus the label saying 'Friday'!

Eric came out with us first thing and we met up with that Tart Millie who thinks that Old Two Legs is wonderful!

Eric came out of the Ferret Bag and played the Tart as well!

It was a good thing that we moved off to continue our walk when we did or I would have been sick!

OTL spent the morning doing 'Paperwork' 'cos it was the End of the Month and bits of paperwork had to be printed and filed and sorted!

Boring or wot?

Lunchtime we couldn't wake Eric up so we left him in his bed and headed off to the coast again.

OTL picked up the InfraRed Camera again and was planning to reset the controls back to 'Default' and have a play in the trees!

The clouds were still floating around in the sky but with the default settings didn't seem so gloomy!


By carefully positioning himself, OTL got this picture of The Tree, Bench and Poo Bin! OK, we know it's not perfect cos you can see the second tree poking out the right of the trunk!

Now, how about this one? This is an InfraRed picture printed in Mono, you know, Black & White.

OTL was so pleased with that, he took another one!

This one was good cos he walked off the path and into the forest and close to the trees.

He then switched back to IR and caught me having a 'Gate Post Sniff!

Well, I can sniff Holly!

After I had wee'd over Holly's wee we headed back home and more paperwork.

You know, these TL's can be so boring!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.