Friday 31 March 2023

Guess what I've been doing?

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

Yesterday I was watching the weather forecast and it seemed that today it was going to be very wet and howling wind and after that, rain!

So, this morning we managed a quick walk first thing then back home so I can do what I love best!

One of my favourite things is a snooze under OTL's desk!

I start off under the desk, then I roll onto my back and wriggle my tail down into the blankets!

After all that, I roll onto my side again and fall asleep again!

We were studying the weather map and decided there was a 'window' at midday that looks like the rain will pause for thirty minutes.

Well, we got back into the car just before the rain came down and dashed back home so I can recommence my exercise!

I do love this bed and if I wriggle enough, I can get under the blanket.

A little later I wandered over to the other bed and wriggle my way down into the blanket so I can get all comfortable for another pre sleep snooze.

You know, it’s all go for a woofer!

See you tomorrow.

