Monday 29 April 2024

OTL Hates Computers!

 Hello Woofers,

Daisy here!

I had a great morning run today. I got half way around the walk when all of a sudden Devo and Zoro came out of the bushes to say hello and dive into a super sniff by the side of a poo bin!

It's a shame the Two Legs can't enjoy a sniff by a poo bin!

Cor, after sniffin that lot it makes your eyes water!

Yesterday we ran off a few photos, the weather wasn't too clever but I did at least enjoy jumping in the puddles!

You just can't beat a paddle in the puddles!

After getting back home OTL set about working again on the computer and he has spent almost all day on it. It was around 16:00hr that the computer gave up and said that he couldn't play anymore and to come back in twenty-four hours.

OTL was not a happy puppy!

Talking of puppies, Chewie has been making himself at home cuddling up hand demanding 'tummy rubs'.

He has been getting toys and stuff. I'll have to get a warning out to him; these TL's may get a visit to the vet and before you know what's happening they will have whipped your crown jewels off and you will have nothing to play with!

Be warned!

Bye for now.

