Saturday, 2 February 2019

Rugby Today!

Hi Woofers!

Us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!

Saturday came creeping in this morning with just a little smear of ice on the windscreen but that was it, no snow, no blizzards, not even a drop of rain..........boring really!

One good thing was that we had the use of the big car today 'cos The Missus is up the village hall slapping the glitter all over the walls again!

Us, on the other paw were off early and today there were just too many clouds swanning about to allow the sun through to provide Old Two Legs with  any form of sunrise.

OK< where is the sun?
 It was different at lunchtime, the ferrets had been out of their cage for the morning rampage around the house and even May was chasing Eric and a couple of time she caught him and beat him up!

Eric just loves a game and he even gets caught by OTL who turns him over and tickles his tum!

We met up with Kelly the sheep dog who woofed at OTL, that was until Holly told her to Woof Off!

That's Holly, all mouth and tail!

Be warned woofer, OTL has us to look after him!
At lunchtime, OTL let's Holly and I to decide on which way we will go and it's always going up the hill and through the woods. Sometimes we kick up a rabbit but mostly it's birdy things fluttering through the branches!

No rabbits but is that a Niffler?
Down on the sea front there was little yappy the Jack Russell who was in a good mood and dashed around us in circles woofing her tail off!

Come on, let's play chase!
A little later, as the Two Legs were all having a chat, Kelly came bounding up to join in the game!

OK, no woofing but has anyone got the ball?
 Of course, we didn't have a ball but we still managed a race around in circles around the TL's, that stopped them gassing!

Back home OTL was playing on the computer again, but his mood was a little better, nothing to do with the computer, it was 'cos there was the Scotland v Italy rugby match on the TV!

That kept him happy, especially as Scotland were playing such a good game and thrashed the Italians!

Then later it's Ireland V England, but no mention of Brexit or the 'Hard Border'!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!