Saturday, 19 March 2022

Windy or wot?

 Hi Woofers!

Daisy here.

I hope you have had a good day today; we have had a great time. I've been having a great time with Old Two Legs. It started off this morning when I left him in bed and snoozing while I waved goodbye to The Missus who was off to play glue slapping up at the hall with all her mates.

Mind you, as soon as she left, I was back upstairs to jump up on the bed and OTL to make sure he was awake!

Down on the sea front it was rather cold and windy, there we were expecting blue skies and balmy breezes and all we got was a howling gale coming in off the sea!

OK on the clouds but why so cold?

Still, we got a good shot of a Two Legs who had lost his woofer!

I wanted OTL to get closer to the reflection but he reckons it is too slippy and might have ended up with a muddy wet butt!

  It only looks a little slippy!

  Back home we sat on the sofa and watched an episode of Harry Potter followed by a snooze and I enjoyed a chew on a Bonio.

 There were crumbs everywhere!

 We couldn't watch the F1 racing cos TM was recording it for later tonight.

 Lunchtime back down on the sea wall it was still howling and there were some TL's teaching worms to swim.



Rather you than me mate!

The wind was really blowing in off the sea and the White Horses were pounding onto the sea wall.

 I was thinking that it would be an idea to have a dip but, in the end, I decided the waves looked too rough!

 Nah, not today!

 Look what we found; the first Comma butterfly this year!

  Let's hope the wind has dropped by tomorrow!

 Bye for now.

