Hello Woofers.
Daisy here on a sunny Good Sunday!
We have been very lazy today, deciding that the best thing we could do is nothing!
OTL has been playing with his camera and the Tilt/Shift lens and getting nowhere but he did manage to dismantle the tripod he uses for mounting the telescope on.
The sun was hiding behind the clouds and although it was warm we still missed the sunshine.
Cloudy or wot?
After lunch we all fell asleep, OTL was listening to an audio book on his iPlod, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, but where he falls asleep, he keeps missing big chunks of audio and has to rewind the story back to the last place he can remember listening to!
TM has been falling asleep as well, she also has been listening to a story on here phone.
You know, I'm the only one getting a real snooze by rolling onto my back and falling asleep!
I think OTL plans to have a slurp of Scotland’s finest, so there may be a bit of shortbread I can snaffle before bed!
See you tomorrow.