Friday 16 June 2023

We're off!

 Hello Woofers.

Daisy here with the last blog for a couple of weeks.

Having a walk this morning I made sure that I read all of the wee's on the notice board and left a few messages myself!

....and this one is Hugo!
I came across a new grass looking like a head of barley!

I'd be interested to see what this turns into when we come back off holiday.

Walking along the top path OTL gave me our secret call which translated means 'Look Over There'!

It was Devo!

 Hello Pint Size!

He always calls me Pint Size, maybe he thinks I'm smaller than him!

I told him about some of the places I would be visiting on the Isle of Mull especially the beaches!

OTL found some pretty flowers that were expanded their seed sack, well, that's what OTL thinks.

So, we will say bye bye now and head off to check we have packed all my stuff!

OTL has packed all his gear and The Missus has loaded up the car with card making stuff!

Bye for now,

