Hello Woofers!
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.
Now, as you know, Eric has been 'not very well' with a tummy upset and to help him get better has been given some penicillin the calm his tum. Old Two Legs has been helping him by squirting this stuff from a syringe into his throat.
Also, OTL has been trying to get Eric to drink up a mixture of RC (Royal Canin) convalescence power which is supposed to help him put on weight and increase his appetite!
Up to now we have been succesful regarding the penicillin, although there is always a struggle, but he gets there in the end.
The RC is another matter, even with a squirt of Ferretone in the mixture, Eric has steadfastly refused to eat it all up and it has been Miss Wendy who has slurped it all down!
Until today.
Today we got a package addressed to Eric arrive in the post. Now, Eric was asleep in one of the cuddle cups, sort of half in and half out, mainly cos Miss Wendy was in the bottom of the cuddle cup.
The Missus came clumping up the stairs calling out that Eric should get his tail our of bed and see what TM had in her paw!
Eric, still sleepy fell out of bed and landed on the shelf where his food bowl is kept, took one look at TM's paw and squealed with delight.
There, in a package all clear and crinkly was a pack of smoothies and a note that said 'To Eric, with love from Maggs 💗'
Well, that was it, Eric was playing with the smoothies as soon as he got out of the cage. He grabbed them, rolled on them and then ran off and hid them behind the cardboard sack that holds the ferret food!
Once he had hidden them he climbed onto the desk and started to slurp the RC mixture which also contains a splash of Ferretone!
You know, he slurped all of it, right down to the bottom of the dish!
So, a big 'Thank You' to Auntie Maggs for such a super present for little Eric!
We are off to watch the F1 racing, providing it stops raining!
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret (plus his smoothies)!