Monday, 11 April 2016

I Love Mondays!

Hi Woofers!

It's us! Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and The Famous Freddy de Ferret!

Monday mornings we get a chance to chase a rabbit or six! Today, Holly went off sniffing at the sign post, so I had plenty of time to do my 'Sneaky' attack!

This is where I stand still and pretend to be a bush or a plant or maybe a bench!

Steady Girl, Steady!
Of course, Silly Knickers Holly has to come and spoil it by rushing past me woofing her tail off!

Silly Knickers Spoils It!
Down on the beach May and April were having fun digging holes and rolling in the Sea Kale. I really don't know what it is they love about the stuff 'cos it still sniffs of cabbage to me!

Oooooooo! This is Soooooo Goooooood!
Miss May had been playing with the small bunch of Sea Kale. The last tide it was a rather high 'Spring Tide' that had washed right up the beach and nearly washed away the Sea Kale.

May was doing her thing but in a moment of sheer joy, she fell out of the Sea Kale and rolled down the ledge of Cockle Shells!

OK, Who Did That?
We headed home to find The Missus had cooked us some chicken which Holly and set about straight away!

To finish it off we both got a treat of a Teeth Cleaning Chew each!

I took mine up to Old Two Legs office and would you believe that Freddy tried to get a taste of it!

Fat chance!

Lunchtime Freddy and Wendy were down the beach with us and having a great time digging holes. At one point we could hear him shouting down the hole!

Oi! Can you lot hear me?
Holly asked who he was calling and he replied 'The Aussies'!

Some hope! They were all in bed!

Holly and I had a great time doing a 'Dash and Whizz' up and down the beach!

Catch me if you can!
Miss Wendy was shifting some sand when Freddy came up for a sniff and was told that the sniff was more than likely 'Woofer Wee!'

Watch it, you'll get it up your nose!
Back home OTL has been playing on the computer getting some invoices out to his customers, just so they won't forget to pay him some money so he can buy us our chews!

All the ferrets have got a liking for our chews and Freddy is the biggest fan of them. I've seen him sitting in his bed with the chew in his claws gnawing away and with a big grin on his chops!

I remember that Archie Babe pinched Holly's chew when he was last down here! Holly tried to hide it but Archie was just too quick for her!

We hear that Archie Babe is managing to get rid of his itchy bits! Holly says it is divine retribution 'cos he nicked her chew!

Keep yer tail up Archie Babe and you can have half of my chew the next time you visit, that is HALF not all of it!

See you all tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss April, Miss Wendy and Freddy de Ferret.