Hi Woofers.
Daisy here.
I'm afraid that you have to put up with the rather boring sunrise. You see, there is no way I am able to get OTL up at five fifteen. He doesn't wake up really until midday!
Boring but still moody!
One good thing was, as OTL was wandering along the path with his head in his shoulders, I spotted Devo the Husky who was straining to get to me!
Come on, let's play chase!
We played chase and had a few sniffs. Of course, I let him sniff first!
OK, you go first and I'll have a sniff when you've finished!
There were some sniffs that he let me have a sniff at the same time, but most of the time I just danced in and out of his legs!
I could jump around him 'cos he had to wear a long lead because he didn't always come back when called!
Well, that's not the best sniff I had sniffed in a long time!
The run and chase were fun but when we got to the car he carried on and promised to look out for me on his next walk.
Can't catch me!
Being Friday OTL had work to do on the computer and that allowed me to pass the day away snoozing.
The afternoon walk was rather boring and it started to rain, so, it was a case of returning back to the car as quick as possible.
TM is off to the village hall tomorrow to slosh the glue and sprinkle the glitter which is OK but we end up with the car full of glitter!
Mind you, it will mean that we will be up early to take TM and the dozen boxes of stuff which she scatters around, just to look good!
See you all tomorrow.