Monday 14 August 2023


Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Not the best day we have ever had. OTL started of this morning having a bit of an up and downer with the local vampire office!

Having booked 'on line' with the NHS he arrived at the time nominated and was told they didn't have him listed!

It was a good half an hour before he got out with a good armful missing!

After all that he had to get onto GOV.UK to tell them he didn't want to play anymore and he was going to retire from working for a living!

That fun and games was followed by the VAT monsters causing all sorts of agro, but we finally got them sorted and that left HMRC to have their say before he was allowed to switch the computer off!

We are waiting for the pond liner to arrive and as soon as that arrives the aquatic plants get ordered up and splosh goes the Tiddly Poles get to swim in a bigger container than at present!

So, after all the agro, OTL has almost retired from working.

As a treat, he is going to have a slurp of the Water of Life tonight!

Bye for now.

