Friday 27 January 2023

I've got my ticket booked!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy here.

We got out good and early, well, early for OTL!

By the time we got down to the sea front there were dark clouds and no sunrise! We are getting worried that the sun keeps hiding behind the clouds.


We met up with some of the local woofers but their Two Legs were dragging their tails and we soon got ahead of them!

Back home OTL booked me in to collect my worming tablets on Monday. One thing I've noticed, the TL don't take any worming tablets!

After that was done, we set about doing some important stuff!

First of all, OTL booked the ferry for him, TM and the car, this was the summer holidays!

I then had to remind him that I needed a ticket as well, for going and coming back!

So, the ferry company wanted to know all about me, age and breed!

Blooming cheek, still I got it all filled in and finally ended up getting my tickets free of charge!

Mind you, I'm not allowed in the restaurant and I've got to stay in one part of the ship but I've done it before.

Staying in one place means I can woof at the mini two legs!

After that was all booked, we printed the tickets and they are all hung on the wall over the desk!

I'm really looking forward to having a run on the big beach at Calgary Bay!

It's nothing like this beach!

 I prefer the sandy beach than this puddle!

        That's it for today, have a good weekend!

