Sunday 9 August 2020

An Infrared Day!


 Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret again!

Well, not so much different from yesterday except that Miss Wendy decided that bed and paws in the air was a better option that rushing around the football field or down on the beach!

Eric was all brave and came out with us this morning for a run around the football field but even he decided a 'Paws Up' option was preferable to a race around the beach!

Just for a change, Old Two Legs decided to take the Infrared camera out for an airing 'cos we haven't taken it out for ages.

The first shot was the famous Two Trees, Bench and Poo Bin, but there were some Two Legs messing about on the bench.

You would think they knew we were coming and move out of the way!

The rigs were still there parked up at the end of the pier. Mind you, the Infrared filter didn't do it any favours! 

Not even worth turning around!

Down on the beach we had a roll in the sea weed and on the sand. It was only OTL threatening us with a wash when we got home that stopped us!

Holly reckons she could get away with a roll before OTL got to her!

After a race around the beach it was good to get under the bench and into the shade, all we need is a gentle breeze just to keep cool.

Yeah, I could stay here for a rest for an hour!

Going through the forest was good, there was loads of shady bits to bring the temperature down. 

If you spent too long here you could end up looking like a zebra! 

Back home we watched the F1 racing which was a good race and Hamilton got second place and managed to keep his tyres from falling apart!
The ferrets haven't woken up at all and OTL even opened up the cage to stroke them, just to make sure they were still alive!
Which they were and then they both pinched a Chicken Strip and headed back to bed!
We hear from the weather man there might be some thunder and lightening next week. OTL hopes it will be at night so he can get the camera out. Holly hopes the nasty stuff should stay in the West Country and leave her alone!
See you tomorrow.
Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.