Thursday 9 February 2023

A Sunrise and a Lost Doggy!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy Dog back with you again.

What a great sunrise this morning, even Old Two Legs was so impressed he had to stop on the outskirts of our village and take a shot 'cos he reckons it will have faded if he left it any longer!

Isle of Grain Gas Terminal from Allhallows!

Of course, by the time we had got down to the beach we had lost a bit but it still looked good with the bench in the corner.

OK, so, we got the bench but the poo bin is hiding!

Back home OTL has been playing at manufacturing but he couldn't finish the production 'cos he was waiting for some heat shrink to arrive.
Lunchtime we were back again and I spotted some Hawthorn blossoms poking their buds and flower heads into the sunshine. 

Now, just look at that! Spring is now officially here with the first blossom of Spring!

Lunchtime we were back again but couldn't park in our normal place cos it was full of fire Engines and Firemen!

OTL asked what the problem was and got told that a dog had gone into the brick works of the WWII gun battery and couldn't get out!

We parked in number two car park and wandered past where some of the firemen were gaining entrance to the underground passages.

We know of this entrance and there is another a bit further along the top path.

We didn't see the dog being rescued but there were a load of firemen and mountains of equipment in the car park, so we reckon it wouldn't be long before the woofer was rescued.

Back home the heat shrink arrived and OTL has been working away ready for shipment tomorrow.

Bye for now.

