Sunday, 29 October 2017

An extra Hour in bed, spoilt by a jet powered vacuum cleaner!

Hello Woofers!

It's us again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret!

Wot a super day! A whole hour extra in bed!

Well, Holly and I got a hours snooze on top of wot we normally get. Old Two Legs wasn't so lucky.

The Missus was all agitated cos she had gone to bed early, seeing how she had spent a hard day sloshing glue around with The Cat Woman!

Now, when TM hits the sack early, that means she is up earlier the next day and if you also add that the clocks went back last night by a whole hour, there is a recipe for and exchange of opinions!

Now the exchange started around three in the morning as TM was cleaning up the 'Workshop'. Bang, Crash and the language! Just 'cos she dropped the water jar!

Then there was the crash that was made by a load of stuff that would only be picked up by the vacuum cleaner.

That's when the fight started!

Holly and kept our heads down and pretty soon it was light enough to get up.

We headed down to the beach and although the sun was up, there was loads of clouds!

Sun Beams!
 Miss May had fun chasing sniffs while Eric stayed cuddled up in OTL's arms 'cos he reckons it was just too cold to walk!

.........and another sniff over here!
 Holly and I said hello to Polly and Bo and there was a funny sniff about Bo, we think she has puppies in her tummy!

We won't know for a couple of weeks or so but we all have our claws crossed for her.

Hey! There is a crab sniff here!
Back home OTL has been busy on the computer 'cos it is 'The VAT Quarter' which is always fun, especially as it means he has to pay out money!

In the end it was all OK and he got the bits of paper telling him how much he will have to pay out and those go to the accountant to file away where he files all the paper!

Holly Chops may get a visit to the vet 'cos she had had some gungy eyes that OTL says could be Conjunctivitis, which she has had before. OTL says it's because she keeps rubbing her face on the sand and getting it in her eyes, then you get Conjunctivitis!

Trouble is, she never learns and the next time she is on the beach she goes nose diving into the sand again!

With a bit of luck it will just be some jollop that she has had before and then a week later it is cleared up!

We have had a snoozy afternoon, OTL on the computer and watching American Football on the TV, TM washing the ferrets bedding and Holly and the ferrets and I spent the afternoon fast asleep on our sleeping beds!

Now, that's the way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.