Wednesday, 30 April 2014

A Little Splash In The Medway!

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles here!

It has been a super sunny day today down here in North Kent! A bit cloudy to start off with but it soon warmed up and do you know, there were even a couple of Two Legs on the beach sun bathing!

First thing this morning we headed down to the beach and Miss Snowflake decided she want to ride down in Old Two Legs hand, well, half in his hand and the back half on his arm!

OK, now just stroke me under my chin please!
Down on the beach it was another one of those Ethereal Things on the sea, so OTL took another photo. You know, as hard as I looked I couldn't see any Ethereals anywhere!

An Ethereal Thingy that only OTL can see!
Miss Snowflake didn't hang about, as soon as OTL put her down on the sand she was off to Mug Holly's new hole!

OK, I'll have this one thank you!
 Mr Brambles was more interested in the sea weed and stuff at the High Tide Mark.

This is Really Sniffy!
 The man with the mower had been around the area and the cut grass was now drying up and providing some super sniffing. Both the ferrets and us had a great time chasing the sniffs!

Oh Wot! This is Super Sniffing!
 Lunchtime we went down the beach and as the tide was in I went for a swim. OTL had found a couple of sticks and tossed them in the water for me!

It was so good to be wet all over, including my tail but I did keep it in the vertical position when swimming!

Up Periscope!
 Of course, I had fun when OTL went to pick up the stick, I waited for him to get close then had a good shake from nose to tail!

I managed to soak him a couple of times!

Start at the nose then work back to the tail!
 Further on along The Sea Wall we came across a Sprinting Spider called 'Super Sid'. He said he was in training for the Olympics and couldn't stop to chat!

Super Sid the Sprinting Spider!
 OTL spotted a fly on a flower head and the fly was covered in pollen. We didn't know flies fed on pollen, we thought it was just bees!

Licking the pollen!
Holly tried to make friends with a fisherman but he totally ignored her, even when she stood by his arm and woofed!

Oi! I'm Woofin' at You!
In the end she gave up and went of sniffing for rabbits but they had gone back to bed!

We spotted a 'Worker Bee' gathering pollen so we stopped and said 'Hello' but he didn't hang around and was soon heading off to the next tree singing his 'Buzzing Song'!

Buzz Buzz, Busy Bee, What about The Workers!
We had our Gas and Electricity meters replaced today and OTL has got a gizmo that tell him how much electricity the house is using.

He is going to be hell to live with until the novelty wears off!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss Snowflake and Mr Brambles.