Saturday, 4 May 2019

Blue Skys and a Wicked Wind!

Hello Woofers!

The gangs all here again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!

It's Saturday so that means The Missus is off to do some Glue Slapping up in the village hall with her mates!

We managed to get out early this morning for a walk but the wind was howling in off the North Sea!

It was a good job we had our Rufty Tufty Harnesses on 'cos that managed to keep some of the wind out!

When we got to the forest we were very disappointed, I mean, they had chopped down all the weeds. What used to be a haven for bugs and buzzing things now is flattened and all the bugs have gone!

How is Old Two Legs going to get his pictures of the 'Interesting' bugs if there is nothing but grass!

Undergrowth gone, bugs gone and buzzing things gone!
I mean, just look at the nothing that is left!

Look! Serious lack of bug land!
 What was worse, no bunnies to chase!

Still, the sniffs were OK but OTL spoilt it by grumbling about a lack of insects!

This is not one of our best walks!
Things picked up at lunchtime, not that there was and sudden growth of Bug Land Weeds but rather it was a welcome sight to see both Monty and Wendy out with us for a walk. It was still blowing in off the North Sea but we managed to get out of the wind and let them have a run and a sniff!

On the way home we dropped into the village hall to see the ladies and Rosie who gave Wendy a lovely cuddle and better than that, Monty got a cuddle as well!

Rosie came out to see us as well and we got a tickle behind the ear!

OTL has been catching up with his Game of Thrones series and is not bang up to date. I must say there was a lot of waring going on and plenty of sword fighting!

Let's hope that tomorrow it will be a bit warmer or better still, no wind!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret!