Friday 26 January 2024


Hello Woofers.

Daisy here.

Yesterday the fence panels were up but overnight they tried taking off again. OTL decided to leave the things on the floor and wait for the fence men to arrive.

He started to chop up the Kerploniker tree and got all worn out hacking his way through the trunk!

I think he will slowly work his way all the branches over the next week.

This morning we saw a wood pigeon seemingly snoozing on the path. All the other birds had flown off and were looking down from the roof.

OTL said it looks like it could be a sign he had not long to live.

Over the day he disappeared, the Pidgeon that is, not OTL!

So, it seems that what with the fence panels and a pigeon with a dodgy pallor, we are getting prepared for action.

We keep an eye open for froggies but so far there is no sign. I'll have to keep my eyes open for a splash when the kitchen door is opened when I go out for my early morning wee!

All the ice has gone from the pond so it should be easy to catch the small splosh of a diving frog!

See you tomorrow.

