It's Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret back again!
Wot a change in the weather! I mean, it was sunny yesterday and acting just like a warm spring day but today it has been almost wintry!
No, it's not B&W it's colour! |
I have an idea, let's have Easter in the middle of April every year, then we won't get confused!
Mind you, it was that cold, Holly and I were dashing up and down the beach to keep warm!
A Warmed Up Low Flying Puppy! |
Just a little Cuddle? |
Let's hope tomorrow is better, you know OTL had to wear his Winter Jacket down the beach, he should be in short sleeves and sandals!
Even Southend looks gloomy! |
See you all tomorrow!
Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.