Friday, 10 March 2017

Friday is Here!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret back with you!

Well, today has ended rather sunny. Earlier on it was cloudy but no rain! Looks like it could be a good weekend!

The Missus is having fun searching for new Shopping Malls in Texas where everything is BIG!

She said she had a steak yesterday and it was so big that it walked to the table!

We had Doggy Scoff and the last dripping from Old Two Legs dinner!

Holly and I better get some decent scoff soon or we will be rebelling! No more Cuddles for anyone!

Down on the beach Freddy and Wendy watched a ship go by while Old Two Legs was chatting to some Two Legs who wanted to know all about ferrets!

How unusual!

Sailing By!
 Lunchtime the sun almost came out but it wasn't too cold and May and Eric enjoyed a dig in the sand!

Sand on my nose? Really!
 Of course, that gave Holly and I the idea that we would have a game of 'Dig & Whizz'!

Gerroff it's My Hole!
 Back home Mr Tesco Man delivered next weeks scoff and there was a load of tins of Doggy Scoff but I did see some Lambs Heart and Chicken Thighs!

There was a couple of Rawhide Chews I spotted, so it looks like we have got a treat at some time over the next week!

We are off now to see our Lambs Heart being cooked!

See you tomorrow!


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.