Monday, 22 July 2019

Another Missed Bath!

Hi Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret back again!

OK, stand to attention, get in line 'cos it is Uncle Mikes birthday today and did you know he is Numpty Nine years old?

Not bad for an old duffer like wot he is!

So, we have composed a special birthday song, just for him and we have included all the best bits he likes!

So, after 793..........................Ready?.............Steady?...............Seven, ninety THREE!

Happy Birthday to Yooo
Here's a bucket of Pooo
We all did it last night
Especially for Yooooooooooooo!

Now I bet you haven't had one like that before?

Nearly as good as Mike's sniff!
 Now you know all about the plant that Old Two Legs dug up yesterday? Well just look at this pile of roots. That is all one plant and OTL reckons there is more bits he may have missed, so he is going to go over it all again and re model the stones on the left 'cos it looks like a grave!

Just one plant!
We took the big camera out with us at lunchtime and caught up with a couple of Dragonflies who had landed to catch their breath!

Just look at the size of the eyes!
This one was much smaller but once it took of it went like a rocket!

Getting ready to go...................and
I missed out on the bath today, OTL says he plans to 'Do Me' on Saturday, so I'm wishing for rain and cold weather and anything that will stop him getting me all soapy and bald like!

Actually, I like this 'Rough' look!
Now, the delivery man came today and took away the laptop and OTL had to use the newest computer with Windows 10 on it and of course there is no photo processing program on it, so, he has downloaded Corel Paintshop Pro on a seven day free download, just to see how he gets on with it.

We have an idea that he may buy it in the end and keep it on the Windows 10 machine just to do my diary on, that is if he gets on with it of course!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Eric de Ferret and Monty de Ferret.