Saturday 10 July 2021

To spend or not to spend, that is the question!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here!

Now then, Old Two Legs is in a bad mood today. You see, yesterday as Holly and I rushed out the front door to chase a cat from under the caravan we sort of catapulted OTL's camera into the air and it landed on the brick path!

OTL was not happy with us, you could hear him grumbling all the way around the walk!

Well, the super zoom lens is 'uggered, although he used another technical word to describe the catastrophe!

Thanks to the Internetty he was able to get a quote for repairs and to his dismay found the repair cost was almost as much as a new lens!

He was going to get his credit card out but then decided that Eric may have more need of his wallet and has decided that Eric comes first and then, if there is any change, a new lens!

Once again, we have been banned to the office while The Missus plays silly directors with the video of her plonking glue and glitter all over her fingers!

Lunchtime we got away to the sea wall and OTL had a different lens on and we went hunting bugs!

Yes, you have guessed, no bugs 'cos it started to rain!

Still, one good thing, the flowers couldn't get away!


....and with a couple of rain drops on the bloom!

 This one is sharp and the hairs on the stem stand out. Old Two Legs will have to get the Mono Pod out next time.


 A Mono Pod is a single pole onto which you screw the camera to stop shaking!

 Half way around it started to rain and I was getting wet around my tail. You know there are times to take photos and there are times to get back in the car and this time is definitely car time!

 I don't mind wet when I'm swimming but wet in the rain is not on!


 More rain drops!


 When it is raining, this is a spot I just love to see, the gate to the car park and a nice warm dry car!

 The Missus has spent most of the day playing 'Silly Directors' or Zooming with her mates and gassing about crafting in general...................boring or wot?

We will be out again tomorrow, if it's not raining!

Bye for now.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.