Saturday, 7 April 2018

Fun with OTL!

Hi Woofers!

Here we are again, Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.

Well, we have had some fun today. It started off with Old Two Legs oversleeping by a good thirty minutes, mind you, Holly and I didn't mind 'cos we were snoozing as well!

As normal, we missed the sunrise by a day and three quarters and it took OTL to do the 'Fiddly Diddly' with the camera to even look like it could be a morning shot!

Fiddly Diddly Time!
 It really wasn't the best shot he has taken and even when we were on our way back to the car it hadn't improved at all!

Fiddly Diddly and stand on one leg and stick your tongue out!
No, that didn't help either!

So, just to show off a bit he took a picture of the Hawthorn Blossom, not bad!

OK, yes, he had to do a little Fiddly Diddly but it looks OK!
 Today we have been sorting out a load of old and redundant electronic , computer and camera stuff that has been building up for some time. So not we have a bin full of stuff fot the bin men and a box of stuff for the loft and five Morse Keys for eBay!

We have even got a Sony Mavica Digital Camera for eBay as well. This camera was the first one to be sold to the public and it recorded the pictures on the old 'Floppy Disc'! Whats more, it works, has the battery charger and even a floppy disc in the camera!

Talk about ancient!

Lunchtime we were out over the field 'cos we couldn't spare the time for a run on the beach, too many 'Loft Finds'!

One good thing, we got the DVD of The Last Jedi delivered today. So, tonight it is Chinese Take A Way and watch the film!

Do we know how to live or wot?

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss May, Miss Wendy, Freddy and Eric de Ferret.