Tuesday 4 August 2020

Hello Woofers!

Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret here.

Well, it's been another one of those boring and do nothing type of days.

We took Wendy out this morning and she was running all over the place with her tail sticking up in the air!

When we got back home there was Eric, showing off because he wasn't taken out.

There are times when he really shows off!

You know, today he was showing off big time.

Eric has a squeaky chicken which he loves to bits and he also has a green squeaky ball that once activated (Squeezed) will entice him from any hidey hole he might have crawled into to have a snooze.

Not today, Old Two Legs was squeezing both chicken and ball but there was no sign of Eric anywhere!

That could only mean one of two things, 1. He has fallen into the dustbin in OTL's office or 2. he is hiding in the workings of the sofa and refusing to come out!

Well, it was number two!

Lunchtime he refused to get out of bed so we left him to sulk and Holly and I headed off to the beach!

Come on, the beach is this way!
It wasn't exactly blue skies and baking hot but rather just warm and pleasant. The Wild Sweet Peas were in full bloom and looking all bright and flowery!

Now, don't that just look pretty?

There were some other white flowers that, mixed together with the Sweet Peas, Daises and green grass, looked very pretty!

There were a number of telephone calls today, all for The Missus, nothing for OTL at all!

It's what OTL calls, 'A Slow Day' so we will pack up early today and stick a couple of DVD's on and have a relaxing evening, for a change!

See you tomorrow.


Daisy, Holly, Miss Wendy and Eric de Ferret.