Thursday 22 December 2022

Busy Busy!

 Hello Woofers!

Daisy back again!

I do like the mornings, especially the one where it is still dark outside and everyone is still half asleep, well that's except The Missus, she is down stairs doing demo cards that will be shown on TV!

Old Two Legs is still in bed and fast asleep, so he gets a whack on the side of his head and a big wet woofy tongue behind his ear!

Of course, then he falls out of bed, rushes to the shower and we end up down on the sea front before the sun has even got out of bed!

Look OTL, Nuffin'!

We hung about in the football field until there was a little bit of sun glowing behind the horizon. Sunrise is at eight and I didn't fancy hanging about that long, so he did a quick, wobbly shot of the Bench and Poo Bin. Mind you, I could have done better with a box of paints and a jar of water!


 It was better when we got close to the meadow, some colours but no ships or gulls and it didn't matter if it was a little wobbly!


 That's better, all sort of mystic like!

 I managed to spend a couple of hours curled up on my cushion on top of OTLs desk, that was comfortable and on top of that it was nice and warm!

You can tell just how exciting it was on the lunchtime walk, were it not for that bit of grass in the bottom right-hand corner, it would have been twenty shades of grey!

 The forest was a little better, colour wise, but the leaves are all falling and the path is now mostly mud!


 I was sad to hear that Archie Babe had a sore back, I get that if I have been snoozing with my legs in an awkward position, mind you, I'm getting on a bit and nowadays I try to get cuddled up to OTL, on his lap or wrapped around his head!

Stabbed once a month! I'd go for the old crushed pill rather than the needle!

See you all tomorrow.

